Star wars galactic battlegrounds cd 2 iso
Star wars galactic battlegrounds cd 2 iso

Star wars galactic battlegrounds cd 2 iso

You'll also be able to take charge of Wookies, the Rebel Alliance, Royal Naboo, the Trade Federation and yes, those bloody annoying Gungans too. Using an enhanced version of the Age Of Empires engine, Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds will span the entire Star Wars saga, which means you'll be guaranteed an opportunity to mash up some annoying aliens at some stage, especially if you decide to play as the Galactic Empire. Wouldn't it be great (I thought) to lead their race to an ignominious end, a massacre of such epic proportions that we'd never be bothered by their annoying high-pitched voices and incomprehensible phrases that sound like someone catching their fingers in a slamming door? Of course it would, and with LucasArts announcing its latest Star Wari-based RTS, Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds, you'll have the opportunity to do just that. The clincher was the Gungan army, that stupid race of bungling alien halfwits who take on an army of laser-wielding robots with catapults and slings - good plan boys.

Star wars galactic battlegrounds cd 2 iso

By the time the epic final sequence came to an end, I wasn't quite sure what was worse - the film Dr the violent attack of the squits that had kept me off work for three days and stripped me of a stone in weight. A few days ago I sat through The Phantom Menace -again.

Star wars galactic battlegrounds cd 2 iso